A listing of current media releases addressing the safety of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and radio frequency (RF) on health.
More information is available at Pure Power Solutions.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Radiation levels from phones skyrocket

The Swiss are exposed to ten times more radiation from mobile phones and other electronic devices than they were 20 years ago.

However, the authors of a study published on Wednesday said the average strength of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields, 0.22 volts per metre, was still well under the permitted limits in Switzerland.

Researchers from Bern and Basel universities measured the impact on individuals by strapping electromagnetic-detection devices to 166 volunteers.

The study found mobile phones, mobile phone masts and cordless phones were the main culprits for the increase. Electrosmog from radio and television stations and Wi-Fi signals plays only a minor role.

The authors said individuals are responsible for generating much of the radiation themselves and recommend that people cut down on calls from their mobile devices and buy phones with cords for home use to reduce exposure.

They added there was still insufficient evidence that this type of radiation was harmful, but the results of an international study looking into the impact on health were expected by the end of this year.

The Swiss study was funded by the National Science Foundation and has been published in the magazine, Environmental Research.

swissinfo.ch with agencies

Warning given about 'electrosmog' on Island

An expert in dirty electricity is warning Bermudians of the dangers of living on a small island in such close proximity to wireless signals and cell phone

Dr. Magda Havas spoke on 'electrosmog' at Cathedral Hall last night. An Associate Professor at Trent University, Canada, she conducts global research into electromagnetic fields and pollution. She said she hoped her visit to Bermuda would help raise awareness of its impact on public health.

"You have so many cell phones and antennas on such a small island here," she said.

"Very often governments will tell you that if the guidelines are exceeded it is perfectly safe, but that's not what scientific research is showing.

Radiation Review: Some People May be 'Allergic' to Cell Phones, Computers

How exactly does the radiation from electromagnetic fields (EMF) affect the human body? Is it possible that cell phones, computer monitors, TVs, and other electronic devices - which operate within current EMF safety standards - cause illnesses, or are the people who claim to be sensitive to these devices just paranoid? The topic is one of the most controversial subjects in technology today, having important consequences in politics, consumerism, human rights, and health costs.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

America's Addiction To Cell Phones Unsafe

Cell phone use has become an addiction in this country, and the results haven't been good.
Even the President found his nicotine habit was easier to kick than his cell phone addiction. President Obama was unwilling to relinquish his BlackBerry after being elected, immediately commissioning a top-secret model to be designed just for him.

But not cellular use has been good natured. Cell phones have helped contribute to much worse than tasteless text messages. Teenage "sexting" has increased, mass transit accidents and car crashes have occurred, prison violence has increased and a witness was assassinated before trial by order of an inmate with a cell phone.

Protest shuts down cell tower construction

Protesters managed to shut down work on a Rogers cell tower in Charlottetown Wednesday by blocking an access road to the construction site.

Joan McNeil is concerned about the effect the cell tower will have on her health.Joan McNeil is concerned about the effect the cell tower will have on her health. (CBC)

Construction on the tower, approved by Industry Canada over the wishes of city council, began earlier this week. It's in a field behind houses along Mount Edward Road, and local residents are concerned about the possible health effects of having a cell tower nearby. Among the protesters were nuns from a convent that is in the area.

"All the cancer it's caused," said protestor Joan McNeill.

New 740 AM - Zoomer Radio interview Dr. Magda Havas

Magda Havas is going to be interviewed for 20 minutes on the Dale
Goldhawk Radio show in Toronto "the New 740 AM - Zoomer Radio"
between 12:10 and 12:30 pm (EST) on Thursday May 14th. It is going
to have a call-in section so some people may want to share their
experiences with EHS and CFLs. I don't have the number but they will
announce it on air.

Here is their website.


People can listen online if they want. Go to their main site
www.am740.ca and "click to listen"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Orange relay antenna is still emitting radiation Les Chesneaux schools are closed this morning

The Town Council is in a real trial of strength with the phone operator Orange,
who made it known that they would not stop the emission from the antenna when
the school term started again. The mayor Jacques Krabal had already declared,
"I won't be the mayor who lets our children be put at risk."

B.C. mother challenges safety of Wi-Fi in schools

VANCOUVER — Una St. Clair-Moniz doesn’t want her children exposed all day to radiation emitted from wireless Internet networks used in schools.

The mother of two is among a group of Langley, B.C. parents calling for schools to err on the side of caution in the face of scientific studies that question the safety of Wi-Fi networks.

IARC Director Forces Publication Of Interphone Brain Tumor Results

The stalemate over Interphone is coming to an end. A project of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) on the possible links between mobile phones and tumors, Interphone has been bogged down for over three years while its members feuded over how to interpret their results. Now, Microwave News has learned, a paper on brain tumor risks is about to be submitted for publication. Christopher Wild, the director of IARC, forced a compromise to resolve what had become a major embarrassment for the agency.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Birds, the Bees and Electromagnetic Pollution, by Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, May 2009

Animals use their cryptochrome pigments for both magnetic and solar navigation. They also control the activity of the immune system. Weak electromagnetic fields can affect all of these functions with disastrous consequences.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The mayor of the second largest city in Calvados is going to remove the wi-fi network from local schools...

"Our job is to protect people's health,"
declared the mayor Rodolphe Thomas during a press conference.

Modern Wind Turbines Generate Dangerously “Dirty” Electricity

Wind turbines are causing serious health problems. These health problems are often associated, by the people having them, with the flicker and the noise from the wind turbines. This often leads to reports being discounted.
- Catherine Kleiber, electricalpollution.com

Join the Class Action Suit Against CLEAR WI-MAX. Technology Threatens Health of Everyone

Could Dow Chemical set up a plant in downtown Portland? Well, Wi-Max technology is wi fi on steroids that will blast every portlander in our homes whether we subscribe to it or not and this technology is at least 3x's as harsh as the average cell tower. They must be stopped or the genetic integrity of our children may be at risk. Thousands of studies worldwide (not one ongoing study in the u.s.!!) confirm that this unregulated technology poses a devastating health risk that some scientists predict will overtake tobacco and asbestos combined. Check out Bioinitiative Report and www.wirelesswatchblog.com
If you would like to know more about this, write to oregonskywatch@gmail.com and check out the site: www.wirelesswatchblog.com We are organizing a class action suit against the company and the Mayor and City Council for allowing this to be set up here.


Cellular companies killed TV show

Unusual news once in a life time: Here is something I was involved with helping the investigators of this programm, some of you were interviewed in England to this programm, that was supposed to be screened a year ago, on antennas risk, on Israeli TV.
In a very unusual exposure, the journalist Aviv Lavie, who saw this programm before it was killed by the cell companies, exposed today in the national newspaper Maariv that the cellular companies, after seeing the result, decided not to allow the programm to be aired and concealed it. They funded this programm with $90,000. The journalist who prepared the programm, Dan Shilon, arrived at the conclusion that the cellular phones will be the cigarettes of the 21 century. The programme showed researchers of cell phones like Prof Korensten and Prof Levi Schachter, and the cellular companies did not like the fact that the programm included strong evidence on the risk of phones. The comapnies explained their behaviour by the fact that they did surveys that showed that everything they fund will not be trusted by the public. When asked why they funded it in the first place, Lior Verona (cell companies forum) said that they fund campaigns in millions, so what is $90,000 for them anyway.
